Flash Mob at the Gloucester Brewing Co.!!


Gloucester, VA  11/1/2019  The Cast of "Oliver" put on a flash mob type of performance at Gloucester Brewing Co. on Main Street in Gloucester.

The talented cast and crew of the Courthouse Players Community Theater will be performing the musical "Oliver" November 14-17 at Mathews High School.

As guests enjoyed craft beers from Gloucester Brewing Company,a bunch of people, all wearing red , began to silently file into the the brewery from all directions. On lookers were slightly confused at the number of red shirt individuals. Some purchased beers, others chatted, laughed and socialized. Many customers just dismissed them as a group tour. Soon, they became part of  the scenery and seemingly forgotten. Then, Charlie Allen with his commanding voice, snapped to, the entire brewery's attention and then began an uncommon occurrence for the brewery and of Gloucester for that matter, as the talent began their performance. 


They moved and sang with a confidence that can only happen with a well rehearsed and dedicated cast and crew. Even though in a very crowded bar, they were able the execute their performance very well and successfully showcased their talent and passion as well as snippet of what can be expected in their upcoming musical : "Oliver". 


After the performance it became evident that this event was a carefully coordinated effort between the Courthouse Players and Gloucester Brewing Company. Such things as: movement through the crowd,  patching the audio into the house speakers, and ensuring all was conducted safely, had to be taken into account. The team spent multiple days rehearsing, planning, and testing their ideas. Their efforts did not disappoint and and greatly highlighted not only the importance of performing arts but also, working together as a community to promote positive growth.  


 The Court House Players is a non-profit community theater group serving the tri-county area of Gloucester, Mathews and Middlesex since 1979. The group has been designated a 501(c) corporation by the IRS since 1994.

If you would like to make a donation or purchase tickets to any of the Courthouse Players productions please click here: https://courthouseplayers.org/tickets 



View the Video of their Performance below.



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